- Further developing SEFE's hydrogen strategy as Head of new Hydrogen Accelerator
- Experience with international portfolios in the field of renewable energies
- Hermes: “I believe in SEFE's mission and I am thrilled to help its energy transition and decarbonization”
Dr Hans Dieter Hermes will join the extended management team of the SEFE Securing Energy for Europe (SEFE) Group from the Australian engineering company Worley as Executive Vice President Hydrogen Accelerator on 1 February 2024. In his new position, Hermes will establish and develop the hydrogen and renewables business area along the value chain stages of project, asset development and purchasing. With the newly introduced division, SEFE is further expanding its activities in renewable energies with the aim of decarbonizing its business model.
“Few people know as much about optimizing hydrogen technology and project development as Hans Hermes," says Dr Egbert Laege, CEO of the SEFE Group, welcoming the new head of the "Hydrogen Accelerator" business unit. "With his extensive experience in the international renewable energy business, he will make a significant contribution to the rapid and well-founded further development of SEFE's hydrogen and renewables strategy and its implementation in projects.”
Hermes, most recently Vice President Hydrogen at Worley, adds: “SEFE's mission to transform the European and international energy sector really appeals to me. I am looking forward to us working with partners, investors and operators of energy projects in the international market. We want to develop our hydrogen and renewables business further and drive the decarbonisation of the company.”
As co-author of the publication “How to make Green Hydrogen economic?”, Hermes brings international experience from energy projects in more than 20 countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia. He was a member of the Advisory Board of the MENA Fuels Project of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and Chairman of the Steering Committee for the feasibility of the 25 GW hydrogen project "GEO", Green Energy Oman.
Until 2021, Hermes held several management positions in Vattenfall and holds a PhD in Energy Engineering from University of Stuttgart.
About SEFE
SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH (SEFE) is an integrated midstream energy company headquartered in Berlin, Germany. SEFE is active in energy trading & portfolio management, sales, and storage operations and has its strongest presence in Germany and the United Kingdom. SEFE employs around 1.500 people and supplies more than 50.000 customers, in particular industrial customers, and municipal utilities in Germany and seven European markets. With sales volumes of more than 210 TWh gas SEFE plays a pivotal role in providing energy supply stability for Germany and Europe. SEFE is owned by the Federal Republic of Germany.